
I love to cook, but others do not. I want to share some tips to help beginning chefs to get off to a palatable start.

Beginning Cooking:
All attempts should be made to simply and destress the experience.

Key ideas:

  1. Mise en place – prepare and organize – before applying heat – every time
  2. Less is more – don’t get all of the gadgets right away.
  3. Simple recipes first – get complicated later
  4. use temperature to determine doneness
  5. Use a timer – every time

Sheet pan cooking strategy:

  • Low cost.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Use the Oven – almost everywhere has an oven and many times 2 ovens

Key equipment:

  • 2 “1/2 sheet” sheet pans
  • temperature probe

Dinner Oven Timing:

If dinner is at 6:00 pm:
preheat time to 425 F should be about 15 minutes
Meat recipe calls for 15 minutes at 425
Vegetable recipe call for 25 minutes at 425
Preheat the oven between 5:00 pm and 5:20 pm; say 5:15 pm
Add the vegetables at 5:30 pm, and set a timer for 10 minutes
when the timer goes off add the meat also to the oven, and set the timer for 15 minutes.
at 5 before the hour, 5:55 pm, pull both items out to cool for 5 minutes and serve.

Other timing factors:

Meat thickness and Oven position can factor into the proper cooking time. So use the temperature probe to measure the doneness and pull the meat out of the oven accordingly. Use the temperature location of the coldest part of the piece of meat.

Oven set points:
This strategy involves picking 2 baseline oven temperatures; 350 F and 425 F. This is to simply recipes. 350 F will take longer to cook, but will be more uniform in internal temperature and doneness. 425 F will cook faster, but increases chance of overheating/burning or slightly less uniform.

Food ItemOven TempTimeOther Instructions
Asparagus350 F15-20 min
Beets350 F40 minput in aluminum foil
Broccoli, florets350 F30-35 min
Brussels Sprouts350 F30-35 min
Carrots, whole350 F45-50 min
Cauliflower, florets350 F30-35 min
Corn on the cob350 F30 min
Eggplant, cubed350 F25-30 min
Garlic350 F25-30 minput in aluminum foil
Green beans350 F25-30 min
Mushrooms, button350 F20 min
Onions, quartered350 F40-45 min
Parsnips, cubed350 F30-40 min
Peppers350 F60 min
Potatoes, whole350 F60-75 minPierce with fork before baking
Rutabaga, cubes350 F60 + min
Squash, summer350 F20 + min
Squash, winter350 F60 + min
Sweet potatoes, cubed350 F50-60 min
Tomatoes350 F10-15 min
fish filet350 F20-25 min
pork chop350 F30-35 min
steak or thin cut of beef350 F20 minpan sear for color first (if you can)
chicken breast (white meat)350 F25-30 min
chicken thigh (dark meat)350 F30-35 min
Time Table for 350 F roasting

Food ItemOven TempTimeOther Instructions
Asparagus425 F12-15 min
Beets425 F20 minput in aluminum foil
Broccoli, florets425 F18-22 min
Brussels Sprouts425 F20 min
Carrots, whole425 F25-35 min
Cauliflower, florets425 F15-20 min
Corn on the cob425 F20-25 min
Eggplant, cubed425 F35 min
Garlic425 F50 minput in aluminum foil
Green beans425 F25 min
Mushrooms, button425 F15-20 min
Onions, quartered425 F25-30 min
Parsnips, cubed425 F25-30 min
Peppers425 F18-20 min
Potatoes, whole425 F20-25 minPierce with fork before baking
Rutabaga, cubes425 F40 min
Squash, summer425 F10-15 min
Squash, winter425 F30-60 min
Sweet potatoes, cubed425 F30-45 min
Tomatoes425 F20 min
fish filet425 F8-12 min
pork chop425 F10-20 minvaries with thickness
steak or thin cut of beef425 F6-8 minpan sear for color first (if you can)
chicken breast (white meat)425 F15-20 min
chicken thigh (dark meat)425 F18-20 min
Time Table for 425 F roasting

Meat Done Temps Chart: